'The Brady Bunch' Uncovered: Behind-the-Scenes Stories and Insights

By Sarah Norman | April 17, 2024

Maureen McCormick Struggled With A Cocaine Addiction

Get ready to embark on a far-out journey filled with laughter, nostalgia, and a few surprises! These stories from behind the scenes of The Brady Bunch offer a sneak peek into the captivating world of America's favorite TV family. Discover untold tales, hidden moments, and cherished memories as we unveil the groovy secrets of this iconic show. So grab your bell-bottoms and put on your best polyester, because it's time to step behind the curtain and explore the colorful world of The Brady Bunch like never before!

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Maureen's struggle with addiction began in the mid-1970s, as the success of The Brady Bunch faded and the pressure of maintaining her image as picture-perfect Marcia Brady intensified. Searching for a way to cope with the stress and expectations of her life in the spotlight, Maureen turned to drugs as an escape. What began as a casual experimentation quickly spiraled into a full-blown addiction to cocaine, quaaludes, pills and mushrooms. McCormick began slipping up on set and tanking auditions while under the influence. As she slipped deeper into addiction, she even traded sex for drugs. Her career and mental health suffered greatly. Luckily, this story has a happy ending. McCormick credits her husband, Michael Cummings, with helping her find her way to sobriety: 

[I] met this guy [Michael Cummings] — it was before we were married and we were just dating — and I had my last relapse. He came to me and said, ‘If you ever do this drug again, I’m gone, I’m leaving.’ It woke me up. It was like the coldest shower you could ever take, there’s just no way I’m gonna lose somebody that I love.

We’ve been married now for 33 years. I just had a feeling that I could trust him with my whole heart and that he was so honest and such a beautiful, beautiful human being.

Writers Had To Incorporate Maureen McCormick's Nose Injury Into The Show

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"Oh, my nose!" Remember the episode, "The Subject of Noses"? Well, that episode was based around Maureen McCormick's - Marcia Brady's - real life nasal incident. In the episode, Marcia is all excited about a big date coming up, when the Brady boys accidentally knock her in the face with a football. Oof! In real life, the accident was a lot more harrowing. McCormick was in a car accident the week before shooting, and ended up with a broken shnozz. Luckily both Maureen and Marcia's noses ended up ok in the end!