First UFO Sighting in America

By | April 25, 2019

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Lights in the sky. Source: (

While alien abductions and UFO sightings may seem to be a 20th-century American fad, it seems that humans have been witnessing visitors from beyond our planet for much longer. In fact, the first documented UFO sighting in America actually occurred before the country was even founded. Several years after John Winthrop and his fellow Puritans left England and began their life in the New World, they allegedly encountered visitors from another world.

The first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, John Winthrop, was responsible for chronicling the adventures of the settlers. His journal entry on March 1, 1639, described a bizarre incident which had occurred earlier that year. According to Winthrop, three men were rowing down Muddy River when they witnessed a strange light in the sky above them. Muddy River was located at Back Bay Fens about two miles from Charlestown and flowed through swampland before emptying into a tidal basin of the Charles River.  

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John Winthrop. Source: (

The witnesses claimed to have seen the light jumping back and forth between Back Bay Fens, Charlestown, and the Charles River. The light was also described as flaming up while standing still then transforming into a swine when it ran. The event was said to have continued for two to three hours, after which the three men found themselves a mile upstream from where they were when the lights first appeared. They had no memory of rowing themselves in that direction.