First Movie Studio to Award-Winning Modern Studios

By | July 9, 2019

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Films. Source: (Library of Congress)

What goes into the production of a movie? It all starts with some kind of a studio and a cameraman or producer. Six major studios referred to as the “Big Six” include Warner Brothers, Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Universal, Buena Vista, and Sony/Columbia and are much more elaborate than the very first studio. The three most popular movie studios in the world are Sony Pictures Entertainment, Time Warner, and The Walt Disney Company. 

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The Black Maria. Source: (

The Black Maria

The very first movie studio was built by Thomas Edison in the United States back in 1893. Called the Black Maria, the studio began operations in New Jersey and proceeded to New York City and Chicago. Edison used this studio to make film strips for the Kinetoscope similar to the virtual reality devices of today. The cost of creating this studio came to $637.67 which took a year to complete.