The Creek Indians in Georgia

By | January 6, 2019

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Indian Village on River. Source: (Photo by: Picturenow/UIG via Getty Images)

Creek Indians who had made their home in Georgia, as well as Alabama, were eventually forced out and had to create new lives elsewhere such as Mississippi.

In the Beginning

For reasons not clear, around A.D. 1400, some of the larger tribes disbanded and reformed into smaller tribes throughout the area of the river valleys of Georgia. Possibly, it was because of Spanish invasions and diseases such as smallpox that took out 90 percent of the population. Fortunately, though, the Southeastern tribes began recovering by the end of the 1600s. 

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Creek Indians. Source: (Photo from

The Name "Creek"

In the early 1700s, the Creek Indians occupied more land in Georgia than the colonists and African slaves. By 1760, though, they had become the minority gradually losing land and during the 1800s gave up the rest of their land. Natives from the Ocmulgee River west toward the Coosa and Tallapoosa Rivers in Alabama became united in an effort to build a multifaceted alliance politically. Despite that they spoke different languages, they were united in maintaining peace between each other. The entire united group began to be called “Creek” Indians. The term “Creeks” came from the fact that Indians were living on Ochese Creek near Macon, Georgia, but it ended up becoming a common name for all of the Indians living in the South, which was about 10,000 by 1715.