The Best Bad Movies Of All Time

By Sarah Norman | April 2, 2024

Plan 9 From Outer Space

Are you ready, dear readers, to comb through some of the best 'so bad they're good' movies ever made? Throughout film history there exists a category of cinema that defies all conventional notions of quality, where incompetence becomes an art form and hilarity ensues as a byproduct of earnest ambition gone horribly awry. These cinematic gems aren't just bad; they're gloriously, unapologetically, and irresistibly bad. They are the kind of movies that leave you questioning the very fabric of reality, wondering how such spectacular misfires could ever make it to the silver screen.

From the bafflingly bizarre narrative choices of The Room to the otherworldly horrors of Troll 2, and the intergalactic incompetence of Plan 9 From Outer Space, we'll delve into a curated selection of films that have achieved cult status for all the wrong reasons. So, buckle up for a rollercoaster ride of cinematic ineptitude as we explore these unforgettable classics.

Are you ready to revel in the cinematic absurdity? Then, my friends, let's continue reading and embark on this unforgettable journey through the best 'so bad they're good' movies ever made.

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Valiant Pictures

Plan 9 From Outer Space, often dubbed the "Citizen Kane of bad movies," has withstood the test of time as a true gem in the world of cinematic disasters. While its effects are hilariously terrible even for the era of UFOs dangling from strings, and its technical mishaps are only magnified by Ed Wood's earnest screenplay, the film's enduring charm lies in its undeniable passion for the art of cinema. Over half a century has passed since its creation, and the world has witnessed far worse films made with much bigger budgets and for far less admirable motives.

Plan 9 resonates with anyone who's ever grabbed their parents' camcorder and embarked on a creative journey using whatever was at hand. Despite its glaring shortcomings, it also serves as a reminder of the potential within every aspiring filmmaker, urging them to pick up a camera and explore their own creative horizons. In the world of legacies, there are certainly far worse ones than being an inspiration to those who dare to dream and create, no matter the obstacles.

Masters Of The Universe

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The Cannon Group, Inc.

Masters of the Universe is a prime example of a film that had all the elements for success but somehow went delightfully off the rails. With Dolph Lundgren embodying the iconic role of He-Man and the ever-enthusiastic Frank Langella as the diabolical Skeletor, the casting alone promised greatness. However, the creators decided to tinker with the established lore, sending the cast of interdimensional warrior gods to Earth to interact with Courtney Cox and her less-than-heroic boyfriend.

The result was a narrative that veered far from the source material and forced the film to navigate through interminable stretches of forced culture-clash comedy. Yet, it's precisely these deviations and missteps that elevate Masters of the Universe to the ranks of the best bad movies. Instead of the action-packed fantasy that fans craved, they got an unintentionally hilarious spectacle that has since become a cult classic.